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2023 College Acceptances

University of Arizona# Army West Point*# Brown University***# Cal Berkeley University of California, Irvine# UCLA*

University of California, Santa Barbara Cal Poly Humboldt Chapman University# Colby College The College of William & Mary Colorado School of Mines$#* Colorado State University# University of Colorado, Boulder#* University of Colorado, Denver Connecticut College$ Dartmouth College* University of Delaware Delaware State University Denison University$

DePaul University DePauw University$ Dickinson Duke University Emerson College University of Florida#$ Florida State University Fordham University# Franklin & Marshall College$ Gettysburg College$ Kansas State University Lafayette College Lewis & Clark College#$ Loyola Marymount University University of Maryland University of Miami$ Montana State University University of Montana

United States Naval Academy* Northeastern University Occidental College Oklahoma State University Oregon State University University of Oregon#$ Pace University$ Penn State University# Pomona College Queens University Charlotte*$

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute$ Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology$ San Diego State University Santa Clara University# University of Southern California (USC) University of South Carolina# Southern Methodist University (SMU)$ St. Andrew's University (Scotland)* Stevens Institute of Technology$ University of Texas, Austin Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) Tufts University Union College$ University of Utah#$ University of Vermont#$ University of Washington#$ Western Washington University Worcester Polytechnic Institute$ University of Wyoming$ Acceptances as of 4/19/2023 * Denotes where a student has committed to enroll # Denotes multiple acceptances $ Scholarship offered (Merit or Athletic) BOLD Denotes student’s Top Choice

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